* Reeltackle Australia *

FIGHTING CHAIR HARNESS (RX85000) (V2-reelax 8.5)

FIGHTING CHAIR HARNESS (RX85000) (V2-reelax 8.5)

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The Reelax Fighting Chair Harness is an angling aid for heavy tackle game chairs.

The angler is seated in the harness and is connected to the rod via 316 stainless chain supports.

The chain supports are adjustable using quick connect cast spring hooks.

Protective chain support covers prevent any damage to the game chair if contact were to happen.

The Reelax Chair Harness has a laminated glass composite frame which is encased by a 50mm x 1.00mm stainless strap.

The stainless strap has heavy duty D-Rings attached where the chain supports connect.

The bottom pad is adjustable to allow the angler to position the harness higher or lower.

Low friction marine PVC aids the slide angling technique while the internals of the Reelax Chair Harness are molded with a breathable marine grade canvas.

The heavy duty vinyl out back is precisely shaped and piped to the canvas internals.

Custom embroidery is available on request.